THRASHKITTEN is the alias of Chicago rapper and producer Johnny Darge (a/k/a "JD"). His music is characterized by idiosyncratic beats, off kilter rhythms, sugary pop motifs, and story driven lyrics. ThrashKitten has pioneered a unique, often absurd, vision of Chicago math-rap over numerous releases.
Sooper Releases by ThrashKitten
Latest Release
The Grape Tape
SR 13
April 28, 2017
April 28, 2017

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Artist Bio

THRASHKITTEN is the alias of Chicago rapper and producer Johnny Darge (a/k/a "JD"). His music is characterized by idiosyncratic beats, off kilter rhythms, sugary pop motifs, and story driven lyrics. ThrashKitten has pioneered a unique, often absurd, vision of Chicago math-rap over numerous releases.