Whiskey Wise is an indie pop band from Chicago. The project stems from informal song-writing sessions between friends who would have been hanging out anyways. In this regard, Whiskey Wise considers itself a kind of "family band." The group is comprised of Patrick Mitchell, Matt Mitchell, Brendan Smyth, Joe Valente, and Glenn Curran. The music emphasizes vocals and draws largely on traditional folk, pop, rock, and Pirate motifs. The arrangements utilize a kitchen sink approach to instrumentation, including electric and acoustic guitars, accordion, mandolin, glockenspiel, drums, bass, bells, whistles, and a treasure chest of auxiliary percussion.
Sooper Releases by Whiskey Wise
Latest Release
Whiskey Wise
Whiskey Wise
...Or Better Ways to Soother Your Soul
SR 05
Secember 6, 2016
Secember 6, 2016

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Artist Bio

Whiskey Wise is an indie pop band from Chicago. The project stems from informal song-writing sessions between friends who would have been hanging out anyways. In this regard, Whiskey Wise considers itself a kind of "family band." The group is comprised of Patrick Mitchell, Matt Mitchell, Brendan Smyth, Joe Valente, and Glenn Curran. The music emphasizes vocals and draws largely on traditional folk, pop, rock, and Pirate motifs. The arrangements utilize a kitchen sink approach to instrumentation, including electric and acoustic guitars, accordion, mandolin, glockenspiel, drums, bass, bells, whistles, and a treasure chest of auxiliary percussion.