Man Without a Head is the solo project of Chicago musician Glenn Curran. The self-titled debut is a full-length record about political disaffection and the absurdity of existence. It makes this statement through the use of verbose lyrics, bombastic vocals, dense multi-instrumental arrangements, and experimental motifs within a pop-rock framework. Glenn Curran remains active as a co-founder of Sooper Records and as a guitarist in the band Longface.
Sooper Releases by Man Without a Head
Latest Release
Man Without a Head
Man Without a Head
Man Without A Head
SR 01
June 16, 2016
June 16, 2016

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Artist Bio

Man Without a Head is the solo project of Chicago musician Glenn Curran. The self-titled debut is a full-length record about political disaffection and the absurdity of existence. It makes this statement through the use of verbose lyrics, bombastic vocals, dense multi-instrumental arrangements, and experimental motifs within a pop-rock framework. Glenn Curran remains active as a co-founder of Sooper Records and as a guitarist in the band Longface.